Green Offices
A program that contributes to the inclusion of producers and the environmental regularization of properties, thereby developing sustainable livestock farming.
With the aim of assisting livestock farmers throughout Brazil, and with a strong presence in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, especially those that are suppliers of our cattle suppliers, to comply with the socioenvironmental requirements of the beef production chain, JBS has inaugurated 19 Green Offices at meatpacking plants in different key livestock farming regions. The program, an extension of the Transparent Livestock Farming Platform, offers free technical assistance to cattle suppliers to achieve socioenvironmental compliance of the supply chain and the environmental regularization of their properties.
Today, the company has over 78,000 suppliers registered on its supplier system. The objective is that by the end of 2025 100% of the active suppliers will have added their supply chain data to the Transparent Livestock Farming Platform to ensure alignment with the Responsible Raw Material Procurement Policy of JBS. By the end of the period, if a direct supplier of JBS has not adhered to the platform to verify the status of their supply network or has not encouraged their suppliers of calves and feeder cattle to regularize socioenvironmental liabilities, they will be automatically blocked from doing business with the Company.
Supporting the environmental regularization of properties
The Green Offices have teams of specialist professionals and a network of certified consultants that work with livestock farmers to assist them with their environmental regularization. These professionals can provide this service in person at the offices located at the Friboi plants, or remotely via e-mail, telephone and WhatsApp.
Free technical support and guidance for producers in regularizing supplier farms
It is important to stress that the consultancy provided by the Green Offices is free of charge and consists of professionals from different areas qualified to assist livestock farmers, especially the suppliers of the direct suppliers of JBS that have detected socioenvironmental irregularities, to adapt to the legislation using several procedures for the environmental regularization of their properties and livestock farming activities.