Sustainability across the entire chain, from source to the retail

More than a decade ago, JBS set out on a journey of significant investments in concrete socioenvironmental actions. Now, after the global public commitment to become Net Zero by 2040, these actions will find an even smoother path forward within the Company. The strategy is to continue fighting global warming and feeding people with the best there is to offer, preserving natural resources for the current and future generations.
The JBS 360 hotsite demonstrates the production cycle of the beef cattle that the Company acquires in Brazil, from source to the retail sector, presenting to the end-consumer the sustainability strategies adopted in: Responsible Raw Material Procurement Policy; The Certified Guarantee of Origin/Supply Chain Seal; Traceability in the leather business (Leather ID), as well as initiatives for regularizing livestock farming chain practices using the Transparent Livestock Farming Platform and the Green Offices.

Discover here the key initiatives that have made the Company a benchmark in animal welfare, environmental management and social responsibility, in addition to the exclusive strategies for supporting suppliers and business partners.